Alternatives To Bong Water To Make Your Weed Taste Better
Posted 7 years ago by Sera

Ever get a nasty resin taste when you hit the bong? Your weed may taste bad for a variety of reasons. Dirty bong water should be changed regularly, but there are many ways to help weed taste better. If you don’t have a bong, find out how to make one!
How to Make Your Weed Taste Better
Dirty Bong
If your weed is tasting bad, its possible your bong is due for a cleaning. Having dirty resin sitting inside a bong can distort the taste when you smoke out of it. Changing the water regularly helps for a similar reason. You do not want fresh smoke being filtered through ashy water, or the smoke will take on the taste of the ash.
Take Smaller Hits
The other most common reason for getting a bad taste from your weed is taking too large of a hit. We all want to take fat rips sometimes, but if you are interested in tasting some of the different flavors of the weed, I would recommend taking a smaller hit than you might otherwise. This should improve the taste. Short of these strategies, you could try changing out your bong water for something a little more interesting.
Liquids to Make Your Weed Taste Better
While most stoners are used to filling up their bong with regular room temperature tap water, there are some experimental users out there making things a little bit more interesting. Actually, if you use regular water, it ends up smelling and tasting like a bong (and everybody knows what I’m talking about) – especially if you’re the kind of stoner who cleans your bong twice a year. So what are the alternatives to bong water?
Changing it up can add a whole different flavor to your bong experience. Just remember stoners, this doesn’t mean you can go drinking your bong water alternative after you smoke. Whatever liquid goes inside the bong can stay there until you clean it. And for most of these fluids, you should DEFINITELY clean your bong after using it. The last thing you want is residual fruit punch to sticky up your glass.
Herbal tea as bong water
Let’s get things a little more herbal than they already are by adding some herbal tea to your next bong experience. Disclaimer: do not add boiling hot tea to your bong water. The glass can literally shatter. Having said that, the warmth of a hot tea in your bog can be especially soothing on your hands in winter time. And hot water works much the same way an ice bong does in that it seems to make a bong hit a little bit smoother.
Fruit flavored infusions as bong water
If you’re looking to really mix up the flavor, fruit flavoring is a great way to go about it. Just infuse it into the water as per the instructions on the label and then you’re ready to go. This doesn’t usually involve heating up the water, but if you want to ice it, that’s cool too!
Snow as bong water
Does it snow where you live? If it does, you’ve got yourself an easy bong water replacement. Go outside and get yourself a couple of handfuls of clean snow – none of that dirty kind. Load that up into your bong and see if that doesn’t cool down a smoke on a nice Winter’s day.
Make it juicy
Fruit juice is another great way to add some different flavors to your bong smoke. All kinds are appropriate, such as apple, orange or mango. Ahh, I’ve said it so many times but I’ll say it again – remember to clean your bong after using! The last thing you want is juice going rotten inside your bong. Make sure you give it a really good clean because things can get sticky in there.
Wine as bong water
To be honest, it’s not usually recommended to inhale the vapors of alcohol – and rightfully so. It’s extremely bad for you. However, using a low alcohol content wine helps you err on the cautionary side. If you love the flavor of wine and the flavor of weed, then mixing them together could turn it into a bliss bong. Some smokers use alternatives to bong water such as vodka or Jack Daniels. But I’d have to call that a poor choice for your health. If the alcohol content of the wine is low, you’ll definitely get the flavors in there without inhaling too much alcoholic vapor. If the idea of this worries you I would recommend avoiding it entirely. Enjoy and use responsibly!
Sparkling water
Sparkling water is the perfect alternative to bong water. It doesn’t really change anything about the flavor, but gives your smoke that added kick. If you want some flavored enhancements, you can try infused sparkling waters, such as the blood orange kind. Carbonation can completely change the way the smoke feels in your mouth, almost making it bubbly!
Cranberry juice as bong water
Cranberry juice is another popular alternative to bong water. The sweetness of the cranberries gives some subtle flavor undertones to your hit. Some say that the acidity of the juice can also help keep your bong cleaner for longer, but that’s still no reason to stop cleaning your bong!
Gatorade as bong water
Another sweet addition to your bong! Gatorade is tasty and full of electrolytes! It’s a shame those electrolytes don’t make it into your body. The flavors do, however! This is a sugary drink so remember to clean your bong afterward!
Coconut water as bong water
This is a great way to make your bong hit fresh and tasty! It’s a shame coconut water is so damn expensive. You might want to save some of it for a refreshing drink after you smoke. You can taste the nutty undertones in your smoke when you filter your bong with coconut water. If it’s a warm day outside, add some ice to it, too!
Remember your bong maintenance – always! Using alternatives to bong water is fun, but it’s a great way to ruin your bong if you don’t look after it. Mold, sticky residue and weird smells are all things that can happen in a bong that’s been filled with Gatorade (or other sticky liquids) and never cleaned. Clean after every use, friends, and enjoy a whole new bong experience!